Sunday, December 26, 2010

When have you even seen me wear a scarf?

Merry Christmas!

Ok, I'm bragging on myself. If you hate reading stuff like that, just know you have been warned. If you find things like this to be like reality tv, where you really just can't look away, please, read on.

I went full-on crafty for Christmas this year. I made scarves for all my siblings and siblings-in-law.

I think I realized in October that I was getting in over my head. However, I have to be honest and say it gave me something productive in those moments when I just needed to watch mindless tv.

My newel post became my model.

For my sister:

For her husband:

For my brother:

For my sister:

For her husband:

For my sister:

For my sister (who believes, as do I, that everything is better when it is red):


  1. I brag on myself all the time, it's what a blog is for! Love e scarves, nice work!

  2. dang, cary and i were hoping we were the only special ones ;)... Cary looks seriously good in his scarf. I'll have to send you a picture.
