Sunday, February 6, 2011

It snows nine months out of the year, and hails the other three.

Everyone is blogging about it, but I just have to say, I was there too! I survived Blizzard 2011.

At work on Monday, everyone sat around at lunch and placed bets on whether we would get what they were predicting or not. Most of us were pretty skeptical.

And then they cancelled the Monday night classes.

I got up Tuesday and they cancelled all the Tuesday classes. It started snowing around 10 am.

This is what it looked like at 2 pm.

It is still snowing and it is crazy windy (which is the definition of a Blizzard).

And this is where I spent my day:

My bedroom is the warmest room in the house. I dragged all my work stuff up there and the movies I got from the Redbox and just camped out for the day.

On Wednesday morning, the sun came out and it was a whopping -6 degrees. Yeah, that's negative 6, as in 6 degrees below zero. And classes were cancelled again.

I waited an hour and then ventured outside.

That's my driveway.

I've discovered that one of the tricks to shoveling is to start at the road end. Then you do all the hard icy stuff that the snow plows piled up first, before you are completely exhausted.

One hour and fifty minutes later I declared myself the victor.

And I went inside and watched another movie.

It was an interesting experience. I remember a blizzard when I was a little kid living in Maryland. And I remember being so excited about it. We went and played in the snow and when we came inside we put all our wet clothes over the heat vents and my mom had hot chocolate ready for us. We thought it was so cool.

It just isn't as cool to be a grown up and have a blizzard.

But I guess I would say, the biggest difference is when I get a snow day, I never start to feel like this:

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